
An interesting webinar will focus on the introduction of the use of MOOCs in school curricula on 30th Wednesday. It will run on etwinning platform and it is open to all etwinners (anyone can join until the maximum number of seats is reached). If you aren’t an etwinner join to the etwinning community, https://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/index.htm, register yourself and you can take part in the webinar!

Innovative STEM micro-MOOCs in school curricula in LITHUANIA

The word about innovative STEM micro-MOOC spreads in Lithuanian schools. On the 26th of February, 2018 ODL mMOOC “Household chemicals” was implemented in Prienai “Žiburio” Gymnazium, which is located in the central-south part of Lithuania. On the 28th February, 2018 another ODL mMOOC “Cyclone and Anticyclone“ was implemented in Visaginas Technology and Business VET centre, located in the small town in the east of Lithuania.

Teachers say that mMOOC enrich lessons and raise learners’ interest in the subject, encourage learners’ and motivate them to learn.



mMOOCs Gymnasium

On the 14th of February 2018 Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning team went to Simono Daukanto gymnasium (Šiauliai, Lithuania) to the classroom where ODL mMOOC “Water pollution” was implemented. The school learners feedback was very positive – they enjoyed the lesson and using online laboratories and would like to have similar lessons in the future. These are the moments all project team is working for!

ODL conference

Conference Business Poster_PDF_2ITLogos

The Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories Conference will be held on March 13th, 2018, from 15.30 to 17.00 (Brussels time) at the Department of Physics and Chemistry (DiFC), the Università degli Studi di Palermo in Palermo, Italy.
In case you cannot make it, the conference will be live streamed. If you are interested to attend it, we will email you the instructions to the email address you will provide in the registration.
The event does not have a registration fee.
Join us by registering here !
The blended conference will feature microMOOC success stories presented by school teachers, demonstrations of the latest experience in pilots organized in frame of the ODL: Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories project, and new innovative approaches suggested by ODL consortium.
The Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories Conference 2018
Language: ENGLISH
Certificates of Participation: pdf will be sent to attendees
Tuesday 13th of March 2018
from 15.30 to 17.00 (Brussels Time)
Department of Physics and Chemistry (DiFC),
Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italia

POSTER in PDF format

ODL Multiplier Event in Lithuania

On the 10th of November, 2017 Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM association) organized ODL project Multiplier event during EDEN Open Classroom conference “Open Professional Collaboration for Open Classroom” in Lithuania. More than 30 teachers get familiar with the micro-MOOC scenarios, main features of the platform, methods how to incorporate micro-MOOC into curriculum and discussed other opportunities how technologies can enhance learning at school. ODL micro-MOOCs with STEM laboratories were presented as good examples and resources to use in the teaching practices. As there is a lack of Open Educational Resources in Lithuanian language, ODL products in national language were really appreciated by the teachers.

3rd Transnational Partners Meeting

During 21-22 September 2017 Foundation of Deusto led the third partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories (ODL)”. The transnational meeting took place at the premises of HITSA (Tallinn, Estonia), which initiates and guides innovation and development in the area of educational technology and introduces best practices in Estonia. The agenda of the meeting was focused deeply on the Intellectual Outputs related to ODL MOOC space, developing and implementing the micro-MOOCs, organizing multinational events in each country as well planning the final project conference.