Multiplier Events: micro-MOOC in your classroom

The ODL consortium is starting with the next round of national and local Multiplier Events”micro-MOOC in your classroom”. The event will be organized in 5 countries (Lithuania, Italy, Estonia, Greece, Spain) by ODL partners. The activity aims to make a teacher familiar to deploy the micro-MOOC scenario into the ODL MOOC platform. The main features of platform will be presented. During the workshop teachers will have a chance to start to merge their scenario to education resource. The method how to incorporate their micro-MOOC into curriculum will be provided.
Please contact to representative of your country for the more detailed information about the date of organization and final agenda.

TSS is performed

The Teacher Summer school took part at Aci Castello (CT), Italy, 17-22 July 2017. More than 30 participants from five European Countries (Estonia, Italia, Greece, Lithuania and Spain) have been worked collaboratively creating microMOOCs applying Inquiry-Based Learning pedagogical approach.
The agenda, training materials, events’ photos can be found on the TSS website and the final microMOOCs on the MOOCSPACE portal